The fourth installment in a series of American Girl’s exclusive specials on Amazon focuses on various aspects of “Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics.” It is intertwined with the amazing inspiration that comes from the natural world around us. An American Girl Story: Summer Camp Friends For Life follows best friends Z [Zoe Manarel] and Paz [Alison Fernandez] as they embark on an exciting adventure at a S.T.E.A.M. camp. However, they find their aspirations for the summer are halted by the realization that their devices are restricted while there. The girls are able to enjoy their summer despite this, find inspiration, and new friends along the way.
“[Paz is] sassy, smart, and loves building things,” the actress says of Paz. “She’s into engineering and she’s great at math and calculations.” However, her character is not a nature lover like Z. Alison goes on to say that she also loves science experiments, solving puzzles, and math much like her character. “Plus, nature and bugs weird me out a little too,” she can’t help but add to the list of similarities.
You can watch "Summer Camp" if you are a member of Amazon Prime, which gives you access to their video streaming service. Amazon Prime Video offers several "American Girl" specials.
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