The DFW American Girl Book Club
We are proud to announce the formation of an American Girl Book Club for the Metroplex! Meetings will be held once a month for 2nd-5th grade girls. We will focus on one character and book each month. We will also discuss the historic time period for that character, read and discuss excerpts from the book, and discuss character qualities and life skills from a Christian perspective. There will be crafts, snacks, door prizes and loads of fun!
Bring your doll and join the fun!
(If you don’t have an American Girl doll just bring your favorite doll!)
Have any questions? Please feel free to email me!
Ms. Lena Medina
Where: Fort Worth/Saginaw area (Ms. Medina’s apt.)
When: Saturday, September 11th
Time: 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Cost: $45.00
Character Focus: Molly
Book Focus: Meet Molly
(prior reading of the book is recommended but not required)
Character Trait: Endurance
Please contact me for questions and reservations:
RSVP with Payment by Thursday, September 2, 2010.
Space is limited, so reservations will be on first come first serve basis.
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